Live and online classes available during Corona times
Live classes delivered weekly online via Zoom.
Despite the current restrictions due to the corona crisis, I am continuing my work as much as I can, because preparation is the key to a positive birth experience.
Babies will come like they always do, crisis or not, and so I am supporting women and their partners by meeting in person when possible or via Zoom online during live-stream classes, so you can practice in a safe space, your own home.
With so much uncertainty in these current times, it is even more important to create moments of rest, introspection and relaxation. You can do this by connecting with your body, your breath and your baby.
“If you can’t go out….go in”
The weekly lessons and the partner preparation evenings will continue live or when that is not possible via a live stream Zoom connection.
To register you can send me an email, or call me.
I’m looking forward meeting you.
It’s all going to be ok! Patricia.